After tragedy they promise that live-action 'will be better'


In response to the recent controversy and tragedy surrounding the live-action series "Sexy Tanaka-san," Nippon TV has issued a press release announcing major changes to its production policies. These changes are focused on "respecting the original material" and "establishing a monitoring team on social networks".

  • «We express our condolences on the passing of Hinako Ashihara, author of the live-action "Sexy Tanaka-san" aired in October 2023. Nippon TV takes this situation with the utmost seriousness, and based on the investigative report of "Sexy Tanaka-san" released on Friday, May 31, it has formed the "Promotion Team for Live-Action Production Process Improvement." We will follow Nippon TV's accompanying guidelines for live-action series production, with the aim of building and implementing a proper live-action series production process."

The manga's author, Hinako Ashihara, committed suicide earlier this year following a controversy on social media. Ashihara had expressed on his blog that Nippon TV had not respected his condition of keeping the adaptation faithful to the manga, pointing out several deleted scenes and changes in characterization. Although she wrote the scripts for the last two episodes, Ashihara deleted her post shortly before her death. After her death on January 29, Nippon TV claimed that it had followed protocol in consulting her and that she had approved the script.

The network's new directives include:

  • Reconstruction of the Production Process: Appropriate processes will be reviewed and established, emphasizing respect for the original material. There will be direct and frequent communication with the original creators, and a basic agreement on the adaptation will be formed one year before the broadcast.
  • Building a Safe and Reliable Production Environment: Workload and staff distribution will be optimized to avoid overloads, ensuring clear communication and transparency in production processes.
  • Proper Use and Management of Social Media: A social media policy will be implemented, consultation points will be established, and a rapid response team will be formed to handle social media crises, protecting those involved from harassment and defamation.
  • Live-Action Production Talent Development: The training and experience of producers and production staff will be encouraged, offering training and mentoring programs to ensure that the team is well prepared and supported.

Nippon TV is committed to following these guidelines to ensure a more careful and respectful live-action series production with all involved. However, comments from netizens in Japan show that they are skeptical about it:

  • «They say that, but in the end they will pressure the original author to accept changes."
  • «Respecting the source material should be a no-brainer. Is this when they decide this?"
  • «The fact that they can't say they'll stop doing live-action series for a few years shows that their guidelines are just a façade. In a society where even comedians take a break after a car accident."
  • «Unless the author really wants a live-action adaptation, it's best to turn it down."
  • «You can't trust anyone when there has already been a death."
  • «It looks like a high school student's essay. They ask their business partners to make an effort as well, but they start from the premise that the fault lies with the production team and not with the company, which is ridiculous."
  • «No matter how much they set guidelines and sign contracts, if they believe that 'television logic' will prevail, this is of no use. They need to get rid of that privilege mentality so that the same thing doesn't happen."
  • «Honestly, it looks like they're rushing to clean up their image ahead of the 24-hour TV event. Anyone could say the same."
  • «The best strategy would be not to make live-action series based on original works."

Source: Hachima Kikou

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