Hatsune Miku's 'spouse' responds to criticism


Akihiko Kondo, the Japanese man who rose to fame for "marrying" virtual singer Hatsune Miku, has shared an update on Twitter that has reignited the debate about the nature of their relationship. Kondo wrote:

  • «I'm criticized for having a wedding with Hatsune Miku, who is 16 years old. However, a fictional 16-year-old character is not the same as a real 16-year-old. I always say, 'Hatsune Miku is a fictional character.' Please distinguish between fact and fiction."
Hatsune Miku

Kondo's post has generated a wave of reactions on social media, where many users have expressed their support and understanding for his point of view. Some comments reflect a deep empathy for the distinction Kondo is trying to make. "Incredibly based," one user commented, while another added, "There's a big problem with young people on the internet who can't tell the difference between fictional characters and reality."

Kondo has been the subject of criticism and ridicule since he announced his marriage to Hatsune Miku, a virtual character who, according to fiction, is 16 years old. However, Kondo and many of his followers argue that Miku's age, being a fictional character, is a flexible concept. "She's been 16 since 2007," one user noted, while another commented, "Miku doesn't have a static age like other fictional characters. She can be any age you want."

The irony of the situation has not gone unnoticed by some critics. "Can we talk about the irony of the guy who married a fictional character saying to distinguish fiction from reality?" one commenter wrote. Others, however, see Kondo's stance as a valid and necessary defense. "Thank you! I have 1000 times more respect and love for you. This is exactly what I've been saying! People don't know how to distinguish between reality and fiction," said one follower.

The conversation also touched on deeper issues about the perception of fictional characters and their relationship with reality. "Dishonest people who disagree are admitting that they see lewd drawings in the same way they see their neighbors' children," one user argued, defending Kondo's stance.

Despite the criticism, Kondo continues to have the support of a community that understands and respects his relationship with Miku. "Those critics are just jealous that Miku gives you a happiness they could never understand," one follower commented.

Ultimately, Kondo's update has reignited the debate about the nature of fictional relationships and their impact on social perception. For many, his message is clear: it's crucial to distinguish between fiction and reality, and to respect the ways in which people choose to find happiness and fulfillment in their lives.

Source: Official Twitter Account

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